Elements of Caucasian Costume
Belts are an essential attribute for the mountain dwellers of the Caucasus. They are narrow items made of leather or metal, often decorated with copper or silver elements. These belts are worn over traditional clothing, such as the cherkeska or beshmet.
The peoples of the Caucasus have long been distinguished by their unique national costumes, which served as a means of self-expression.
Ossetian Clothing
Belts are an essential attribute for the mountain dwellers of the Caucasus. They are narrow items made of leather or metal, often decorated with copper or silver elements.
The Caucasian costume features vibrant symbols of culture with unique embroidery and patterns that reflect the traditions and craftsmanship of the peoples of the Caucasus
Elements of Caucasian Costume
Household items of the Caucasus have become historical relics. These include dishes, musical instruments, tools, jewelry, and elements of women's clothing
Household Items
Caucasian weapons are a unique monument of material culture and a tangible embodiment of the history of the Caucasus
Caucasian Weapons of the 16th-20th Centuries
The military equipment of the Caucasus consists of numerous elements, including naturski (leather belts), gaziri (swords), and nagaykas (whips), which are used by servicemen to perform combat tasks
Military equipment items
The peoples of the Caucasus have long been distinguished by their unique national costumes, which were not only elements of clothing...
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